What is Story Club?
Story Club is a nonfiction storytelling show. The goal of Story Club is to mix the spontaneity of an open mic with the experience of live theater. Each show has both open mic and featured performers. Story Club is proud to be a part of the thriving live lit community in Chicago.
We give you a mic and 8 minutes. You tell us a story. When does Story Club meet?
How much does it cost?
Who can read at Story Club?
Anyone. We have at least three open mic slots at each show (more if time allows). Open mic participants sign up before the show and and are chosen randomly during the show. There is a timer on stage with the performer, counting down. Once the timer goes off, the story is over. Story Club loves having new storytellers on stage. We encourage everyone to sign up and show off what they've got!
What kinds of stories are told at Story Club?
Story Club is a forum for nonfiction stories. Each performer has 8 minutes to do their thing on stage (about 1300 words). The best stories quickly tell us where the story is taking place, who it involves, and what's at stake. If you're uncertain if your work is appropriate, we recommend reading a couple stories from Story Club Magazine.
What if it is my first time performing?
Then we love you the most. We pride ourselves in being a venue that many writers use as their first performance space. You will get a microphone, a music stand for your pages, a stool (if you want to sit), and a timer. You will also get one of the most attentive, welcoming audiences in Chicago.
Who are the "featured performers?"
Featured performances are curated for each show by the Story Club production team. Featured performers write towards that month's theme, provide drafts of their stories, work with our producers to refine their tales, and are paid based on the audience donations from the evening.
Want to be a featured performer? We're always looking for intriguing nonfiction stories to bring to our stage. There are only two steps required to becoming a featured performer: (1) Attend a Story Club show. (2) Email a sample nonfiction story (max 1600 words) to stephanie@storyclubchicago.com Can I start a Story Club in my area?
We currently have seven shows in five cities and we're looking to start more. Start a Story Club in your own city (or even your own Chicago neighborhood) by emailing [email protected] and letting us know you're interested. We're always looking for more ways to bring the live lit experience to new audiences.
What is live lit?
Live lit is an incredibly exciting performance literature movement in Chicago. In 2009, venues for storytelling were scarce, but today there are over 50 monthly shows held all over the city. As the number keeps growing, so does the audience. Check out our Live Lit Page for a full listing of the other organizations.